Bills QB Josh Allen is the 2024 MVP!!!

The straw man continues.

Once there was no possible objective measure left to excuse someone's favourite QB's repeated failings, it was time to turn to the old 'Well, no QB is successful unless the team and coach make them so' - not Mahomes, not Brady, not Manning apparently 🤪🤪🤪

No one believes it.
Mahomes has Andy Reid and has run the exact same system his entire career.
Brady had Charlie Weis and every OC the Patriots built on the offense that Weis installed. He tried to run Arians offense and that lasted for half a season before he went back to the New England system he ran his entire career.
Manning had the same OC (Tom Moore) the entire time he was in Indy. When he went to Denver, he brought the system with him, therefore running the same system that he has his entire career. And this isn't even talking about the the roller coaster before Caldwell became his QB coach.

Let's make it personal. Drew's success started with the system that Sean Payton put around him and he ran that system (and a modified version later in his career) his entire time as a Saint.

You not understanding this simple thing that every QB (especially Brady) talks about doesn't make any of this false.