Just my opinion

"BuT thE NeW oRLeaNs MuZIK" - speaking of old and lazy.

You are no longer the demographic the NFL wants to appeal to. I know, it hurts. For so many years you poured your heart, soul and money into supporting your NFL team. And now? The NFL doesnt give two cents about any of that.

But i suspect you will still be upset, call in to WWL talk radio at some point, raise this same argument and cant figure out why the NFL didnt "showcase" music 61 yr old Flippy from Metairie wanted to hear.
I was listening to everything from Rush to the Police to Run DMC, Beastie Boys and Whodini to George Clinton and Soulsonic Force. That last night was garbage...

I played drums since I was twelve, and pretty much listened to every genre of music. This 61 y/o from Metairie played at Jazz Fest quit a few times, along with playing at many NO music venues. You don't know a single thing about me... Only time I listen to WWL radio is during Saints games when I cannot watch any other time.