Do you remember your first day of high school?

This came up in recently

Do you remember your first day of high school?

I definitely have a ton of memories of ninth grade but memories that I know for a fact was the very first day? I actually don't think so

Which is odd because there was quite a lot of change in my life at that time

We moved from the only house I had lived in just a few weeks before

Early grade school my mom drove me to school, later grade school and middle school I walked

High school was the first time I rode the school bus (outside of field trips)

After thinking long and hard about it I honestly don't know that I remember anything about that particular day
Yup. September 1975. We had just moved form Baltimore to Salisbury, Md the year before. The middle school I went to for half of 8th grade was a dump and I got into a lot of fights as the new kid.

9th grade we all went to a brand-new school and since it drew from all over the county a lot of cliques went away. It was pretty cool, figuratively and literally. Parkside actually had air-conditioning but since it was new the system had some bugs, so it was freezing for half the year. I **** you not, we wore coats in school in September.