Bill Belichick & his girlfriend trolling Falcons in NOLA

This is very disturbing.
To you it may be but to others its not. In my case she has always had the free will to come and go as she pleases...never wanted her to feel pinned down...She chooses to be here and be part of my life. We never even talked about the M word until this past year so i would not make her feel rushed or she was missing out. She has told me many times she cannot stand guys her age because they are very immature and dont treat her with respect.

So when it comes to BB and his other half i see it very simple... They are both consenting adults and they choose to be around each other...They each bring something to the table to contribute to the relationship... It is easy for some to turn it weird but being in it with the right person doesn't make it weird at all....He probably wants to feel young and tackle the world and she supports that...He gives her stability and access to stuff probably not normal in her world like constant travel and see the world. We all can pick it apart and make it all about sex and money but that only gets you so still have 23 hours a day to look at them and get along after the thrill