
I think Xi fully understands Trumps desires- he doesnt need to kiss is arse- a carrot on a stick will work just as well.

I suspect in the coming days there will be some "walk back" of comments from yesterday, but i still think the plan is the same. Trump attempted to blackmail Ukraine in 2020 to remain in power. Now in power, and pettiness, he wont hesitate. But now its minerals he wants. $500B worth.
Yeah, but how would Trump be able to successfully explain away not trying to defend Taiwan from being invaded potentially and annexed by China in convincing geopoliitical terms and not be slaughtered politically or most GOP senators/congressman losing their jobs come mid-terms. In the case of Ukraine, believe it or not, he's got far more "wiggle room" and political capital to try and appear as a probable peacemaker to end a near-three year long war albeit supposedly aping Russia's preconditions for peace. Ukraine and Zelensky can and more then likely will say no to any Russia keeping its conquered illegal territories, arguing to the international community that doing so sends a message that it rewards Russian aggression and emboldens them to make future threats to the Baltics, Finland, or Poland or some DMZ zone that would be useless if Putin refuses to make any real security guarantees and even if he did, why should Zelensky, E.U. or rest of international community really believe him?

Trump's snarky comments about Zelesnky's poll numbers and eventually their will have to be an election really show how disconnected he is. Does he really believe that Ukraine would actually hold Presidential elections right in the midst of being involved of fighting for its nation's sovereignty and existential being? Yeah Agent Orange, their might be elections for a new Ukrainian president but that likely isn't going to occur until after this conflict is over, not during it. There in a war for their literal survival, butt crevasse I think they have far more important priorities currently.

And why should Zelensky say yes to a bad faith, one-sided peace deal where Russia gets everything and won't commit to future security guarantees but hey, Putin told me he won't invade again, so I trust him at his word over my CIA analysts, advisers and basic geopoliitical common sense.