Mike Garafolo: Saints are set to make a decision on Derek Carr within the next few weeks; likely to have multiple suitors if released

I wasn’t responding specifically to your post, just in general about the rabbit hole we are going down here.

Agreed, he could have been there if he wanted to be AND if he was available to be.

I just don’t think it’s a knock or sign of anything that he wasn’t, just like most of the rest of our team leadership wasn’t and just like most other teams with new coaches’ leaders weren’t.

No need to continue to bicker about this. It’s silly.

QB is one of, if not the most complicated position in any sport. You not only have to throw a pig skin 30+ yards with a fast release, speed on the ball, and be able to hit a dime, but you also have to anticipate 21 other peoples movement and thought processes to be high successful and one of the greats (this is exactly what made Brees, Brady and Manning so incredible).

if your not living, breathing and sleeping football, you ain't it. And if you ain't here to meet your new head coach, you're ain't it.

The dude is rich. Not well off, filthy freakin rich compared to 99.9% of humanity. He can reschedule that vacation.

One thing I've learned over the last few years, and Derek Carr does not live, eat, sleep and breath football to be great. He does just enough to keep in the spot light, tries hard on the field and goes about his life the moment he leaves that stadium/practice. He isn't great and this is just one reason why he never will be.