[Edit: Likely About New Alternative Helmets Some Teams Will Reveal For 2025] Saints getting new helmet logo?

I'd love to see us use our alternate all-whites design as our default uniforms and built sets around that. The gold pops way more. The all-whites are set, we would just need a black jersey variant, and black and gold pant variants. They just look undeniably better. And if we went that route, we would need a gold helmet that better matches.

The gold pants have been depressing ever since the league went from Reebok to Nike. This is a long overdue change. I don't see it happening, but it should.
I don’t get how college programs at all levels all across the country who use the same gold as the Saints get theirs to match, but ours doesn’t. And I get that they’re different fabrics that take on different levels of sweat and stuff, but four different golds (is that honey mustard or pyrite?) is just hard to witness season after season.

Things I think I’d like to see the Saints do to spruce up and modernize their look:

- use the digit and stripe set from the color rush uniform as the default for all uniforms. Only the Colts use those digits currently. The Cowboys have it on some throwback looks but I think if the Saints used them but tweaked it with either a gothic or wrought iron flair (similar to, but please not the exact same as, the Pelicans) it would look great.
- gold pants that truly match the gold helmet, throw the entire budget at this. I like the gold helmet because I like the idea of “the gold crown atop their heads” and the black helmet honestly doesn’t move me much. I never ever want to see a white helmet, though.
- all-black reserved for marquee games only. Wear the gold pants for noon kicks. They don’t feel… special like they did back in 2001 when we debuted the all-black look (27-25 win vs Carolina)
- no more unstriped pants
- black sneakers as the team standard except in the all-white uniform set