Saints could get to $14.61 million under the cap without restructuring Derek Carr, after Saints salary cap potentially increases by $5M

Those restructures by themselves would be for ushering in a potential post June 1 release of Carr mentioned in the OP.

I’m reading the cap proposal thread and I see it’s the same restructures and goal. The available cap space amounts are stated here. I suppose now doing all of the 13 restructures and 2 cuts ahead of the cap compliance deadline for the HC’s potential clean slate at QB could be explored more by the FO due to the cap increase.

The highest cap hits of players that may not be here in 2026 but likely to restructure in 2025, are Cam, Demario and Taysom. The Saints’ initial projected 2026 available cap space is currently $64 million. Even after it’ll decrease by 15m-25m once the 2026 salaries of 2025 signings and draft picks are accounted for, the 2026 cap can still absorb portions of most of the 2025 restructures’ dead money. I believe Cam and Demario will retire in 2026 which would lead to restructures again in ‘26. Saints 2027 cap space will be able to practically absorb all dead money from previous restructures and still have around 75M-100M in cap space since the Saints won’t have many high cap hit vets by then.
My apologies. I guess I misread the part about Carr being a June 1 cut as an additional option, not as part of the plan. If it’s part of the overall plan then I am on board. That is the quickest way to clear the roster of Carr and all of the old players. At that point we’ll have the ability to mold the roster, especially on the defensive side, to what the new staff wants between drafted players and a few choice free agents. It will also allow for moving off of other bad fits. Exciting times ahead.