Saints could get to $14.61 million under the cap without restructuring Derek Carr, after Saints salary cap potentially increases by $5M

The Belichik Patriots would have moved on from Latt 2 years ago. They paid Brady, they chopped off vets, even still productive. QB rules!
Unfortunately for us, Carr isn't Brady and our vets are declining in production. The ideal solution is to take the two year approach to getting rid of both.

QB this year is easier to replace with a guy with upside on the roster or free agency than it is to replace 4-5 older vets at various positions. If we had someone that could play in place of Tyrann, we'd have done it. If we had someone who could play in place of Cam, we'd have done it. And I could keep going. But we didn't and we're not likely to this year. We don't have enough money or draft picks to replace them all.

So you start with QB instead because Rattler, a single draft pick or a vet minimum free agent can fill the roster spot. And the savings from releasing Carr will help fill the other spots next year when there is already more space. Where kicking his $30m salary in 2025 to 2026 gives us less room to do either.