Measles outbreak tracker

I'm reminded of what a Dr. I know says.

Progress is seldom linear. It's usually like a butterfly gradually trending higher.
Sometimes you just have to let go the rope and let others learn from mistakes. It's not what you want, but you can't stop them.
After reading The Ape that Understood the Universe, see this more as a genetic filter on the pool of humanity. Humans like to think ourselves the pinnacle. Truth is we may be no different than something like Covid in that some variants are deadly and create victims along with themselves.

Yes, they can take us all with em. Also, an infinite number of things could wipe us from this universe and there's nothing I can do about it. I've given enough of my energy to it. Now I simply try to love myself enough to love them as they sheet their deathbeds. I think the phrase Bless your heart fits best.

After that, it was easy to agree with Mel. Let Them. The situation is the situation so you protect yourself best you can and hope to survive the idiodemic.