Why are people like this?

the thread title is Why are people like this... its gonna involve a lot of depravity.... you take the info at face value and continue the question, why are people like this?
when people like this infiltrate positions of trust, escpecially trust of our children, they are the sickest of the sick.. and in a time when too many people worry about a man in dress reading books to children, these kind of articles need to be shown even more..
My point is, there are plenty of pedo posts in this thread and you'd be hard pressed to find a person who doesn't think that this ish is horrible - even a pedo themselves publicly would not say otherwise. So, after like the 30th pedo post, why continue to point them out? We know it's happening. When they are found out, get prosecuted or the institutions (schools, churches, etc) and politicians cover for a lot of them via religion, policy or bribes. What's new?