Measles outbreak tracker

I used to agree.

Now I'm not so certain that turning away the lost in time of need is sending the right message. We've enough of that going on and it generally sucks.

Can we make them create a public announcement rejecting the prior stance as incorrect in order to get aid?
I just find their position incredibly hypocritical when citing "God" or religion as their reason for their position for/against medical interventions and it pisses me off that they want to use it at their convenience. Like being able to skirt vaccination policies for school or employment but when the thing the policy was covering affects them, then they demand the medical intervention and put others at risk.

Or when people use religion as their basis for being pro-life because of "God's will" yet when they need some sort of medical intervention for themselves or their children, they are right there at the hospital getting it instead of just letting nature take its course and dying like 'God intended'.

If that's your belief system, then fine. Stand on that ish. Don't just use it when it's convenient or now you're scared that you're about to die. Accept that Jesus said it's your time and go gentle into that good night.