Why do you insist on taking what I say out of context to argue with me? I don't "refuse to believe" anything.
I said the article about what the defense would like under Staley was solely speculation from the writer and that he doesn't once quote Staley. That's an objective, irrefutable fact.
This is what I mean when I say "reporters" aren't really reporting. They just speculate and gossip. The reason the person who didn't write the article didn't ask Staley is because they don't have access to Staley, so they just speculate. That is not reporting.
Have you heard Staley get quoted as saying how his defense will look under him? I haven't.
That's speculation on your part. I don't "refuse to believe" it's possible. I just know that we won't actually know what the defense will look like under Staley until he tells us or shows us on the field with the Saints roster.
Staley's head coach, Moore, is all about fitting the scheme to match what the players do best. I think it's very likely he wants Staley to do the same thing, so I think Staley will incorporate some of what he has done in the past. I don't think he's going to force players out of what they do best, just to run what he's run before in the past.
Some people are speculating that he will move players in to roles that do not fit them, just so he can run "his scheme." I don't think he's going to do that. I'm just speculating like everyone else.