tell me something good

I mean, unlike the Torah and the Bible, not even some of the characters, people, or historical figures and settings mentioned in the Book of Mormon have ever been historically verified or documented or suggests that maybe even some of the events or people described or featured couldve happened or existed.

Jews don't want to go past Yahweh, Christians don't want to go past their particular flavor of Yahweh, neither do Muslims. And just like the New Testament and the Koran, the Book of Mormon is just another spin off of the same tale. Mormonism is not that old... besides Moroni, the various angels' apparitions, and the plates of Nephi, there really isn't much that is out of the ordinary, and there are extensive records of the founders and places mentioned in the Book of Mormon. We even got pictures.

I'd be very careful with the "historically verified or documented" thing. Most of that comes from apologetic institutions and "scholars". Besides, mentions of the ordinary in scriptures (cities, kings, queens, rivers, prophets, wars, etc.) don't make the extraordinary true.

There's nothing that elevates one religion over another but the desire to believe in a particular religion.