Field of Dreams
“Field of Dreams” was voted the
greatest sports movie of all time in a recent survey of Times readers. It was released 30 years ago, and director Phil Alden Robinson
talked to Yahoo this month about some secrets you may not know about the film.
For one, who was the voice — the person who spoke the lines “If you build it, he will come,” “Ease his pain” and “Go the distance”? Some people think it’s Ed Harris; some think it’s the star of the movie, Kevin Costner; and some think it is another of the movie’s stars, Ray Liotta. Robinson says he has yet to hear the right name guessed.
“I did record the voice as a scratch track,” Robinson says. “When you go into the editing room, you have to have something to cut to, so I recorded the voice as well as Kevin’s opening narration. When the picture was locked, we re-recorded all of that voiceover with people who could
really do it. What’s funny is that a few people who thought they knew have revealed it and gotten it wrong. I’ll read people saying, ‘Well I happen to know that it’s so-and-so,’ and I’m like, ‘Oh no, it’s not!’ We’ll let that remain a secret. It’s a great mystery, and I like that.”
And how about that scene at the end, the one that shows the headlights of hundreds of cars headed to the baseball field. CGI? Some other sort of Hollywood trickery? No, they used actual cars.
“We had a production assistant drive that route from the [nearby] town of Dyersville to the field, measure it and then divide it by the average length of a car with a little space in between. He came back with 2,500, so we said to the Dubuque [Iowa] county Chamber of Commerce, ‘You’ve got to give us 2,500 cars and drivers.’ ”
So, 2,500 cars and their drivers lined the road while Robinson and
J. David Jones, who did aerial photography for films such as “Apocalypse Now,” “Speed” and “Twister,” flew in a helicopter to shoot the scene.
“On the first take, the cars had gotten a little tight together,” Robinson said. “So we did a second take where the light was beautiful, but we realized the cars didn’t look like cars anymore; we got to an altitude where it just looked like we had strung lights on the highway.”
Finally, Robinson asked the car drivers to alternate their low-and-high beams, which helped simulate motion on camera………