Loomis opens up a bit more about Coaches pulling out of search

I'm so glad this site is back to being BashLoomisReport.com. I was really getting tired of actually talking about football with talk of offensive schemes, defensive schemes, what players fit the scheme, players in the draft, etc. I'm glad we can get back to acting like mean girls which is what this site is about afterall.

We even got a gratuitous out of context keep chopping wood reference. I really missed reading those in every other post because they were so funny.

I want a new GM too, but Loomis isn't going anywhere for at least a few years. Can we talk about football in the interim?
Thank you … we have people telling us exactly why Johnson and/or McCartney didn’t want to be here … did I miss something they factually/actually said? Or can I get at least one of the phone numbers to them others apparently have? If Loomis somehow, no matter how incredibly unlikely, somehow guides the Saints deep into the postseason or further, are the constant bashers and naysayers gonn go ahead and renounce their fandom? We get the fact many on here don’t like Loomis as GM. And it does appear like they could have reason for that. I’m not going to pretend to know everything, so I’ll keep my feelings on that subject to myself as I have the whole way. But the broken record routine has gotten incredibly stale. Can’t we all please just move on to something fresher and more unifying to the Who Dat Nation as a whole?