Ross Jackson’s biggest takeaways from Loomis, Moore and Ireland at the combine

We're turning our nose up at our front office continuously choosing to hold the whole thing together with spit and Loomis smacked gum. And the absolute pinnacle we can apparently aspire to is winning a crappy division and then getting bounced from the wild card round by a good team.

Our roster belongs in the nursing home and we're paying the oldest ones the most money. It's an awful strategy. We need to manage the cap better, draft better, stockpile more picks and when you have a good YOUNG winning team, THEN you restructure deals and trade picks to get those final pieces. You don't do it to maybe beat Tampa and be someone's doormat to the divisional round.

But it's the drum that gets beat around here. "We're going back to Haslett era Saints and don't you dare complain about it! You're lucky to get 10 wins!"

I’d be fine getting bounced from the wildcard round with a young ascending team, but we are the opposite.