Loomis opens up a bit more about Coaches pulling out of search

Weird of you to post this in a thread literally about Loomis????

There's 100s of other threads discussing everything you mentioned yet you're complaining in this one?

Because it's already present in several other threads today including the one about keeping Carr. And every time Loomis says anything in public we have at least a week of people saying "keeping doing what you are doing", "look beyond the results" , "Tom Landry", "chewing gum" and "cap hell" in nearly every single thread. Then it cools down to every other thread.

Would you have preferred I post this in the thread about keeping Carr? What difference does it really make?

And to be clear, I get people saying they don't like a move or why a decision is bad. What I don't get is the constant posts bashing and/or taking personal shots at Loomis with no substance and just saying "this is a trash fire organization", "we will never win as long as Loomis is GM", "Keep chopping wood", "keep doing what you are doing", "Loomis is an arrogant butt crevasse", "he compared DA to HoF coaches", "look beyond the results", "chewing gum", and on and on ad nauseum. At least bring some substance.