Elon Musk makes $43 Billion offer for private buyout of Twitter
my parents are examples of people being unselfish, their whole lives.
They got married young, mom was 18 my dad wad 21. My grandmother died when my mom was 20, her step father was a bad alcoholic, so my mom and dad raised her sisters and brother who were all 13 or younger. Then they raised us four kids, then my aunt who was Schizophrenic had a daughter, and my parents raised her (while taking care of my aunt), then 15 years later had another one my parents raised. then my cousin had her childeren taken away from her and my partents adopted all three of them and raised them, my parents are in their 80's and have raised children their entire adult lives. my cousins kids, the youngest just graduated high school last year.
I couldn't even tell you how many people they took in over the years and helped. to this day, if we have a get together at their house i can guarantee therre will be at least one person there that no one knows except my parents. "oh, thats Joe, he lives across town, and we met him at the grocery store and he doesn't have any family here and he doesn't really have any money, so we let him come hang out when he wants."
Thats basically my whole life with memories like that. I bet in the 51 years i've been alive, my parents have never had a key for their front door (2 different houses). My parents don't have money, they live off of Social Security and the still help people every chance they get.
For all the shirty people in world, there are people like my parents everywhere too.
Another good example, one of our neighbors was just a complete azz to evertone in neighborhood, no one like him, may even say most people hated him. but during a storm a tree fell on his house and everyone of the neighbors went over there and helped get that tree off his house. it was a wake up moment for that guy. you could see the change in him after that. he may not have went Mr Rogers, but he quit being an ahole for the sake of being an ahole.
I wish i could be as unselfish as mi y parents, but i'm nowhere on their level. But i do have more compassion than most people i know. i am always asked how i can be so nice to people all the time, even if they don't like me. My wifes favorite phrase to use is " you can make friend with a brick wall".
If i'm at the store and someone is like , got any change i can have? if i have some, i'm that guy who usually does, I've put gas in peoples car when they were needed help, bought food for people who asked, etc.
I don't consider myself a great person. but I've learned through my parents that sometimes acts of kindness can make a difference. thats why i am bised in the notion that there are lots of unselfish people. You may not see it, but its there.
sorry for the long rant...lol