Underhill thinks Carr will be Saints starter [mod edit: Moore-Carr meeting went well; Saints plan is to keep Carr in 2025 & figure out contract]

i don't understand the cap implications, so I rely on the fellas on SR.com to break it down, and I follow the arguments like a tennis match. Not sure how realistic it may be, but if Carr is on the team in 2025, I'd like to see DC4 renegotiate his salary (pay cut) in an amount that offsets the signing of 2 new quality HOSS guards to park on each side of McCoy, for his own protection.
He won't take a paycut.


Carr already has void years tacked on to his contract. He already has a dead cap in 2026 at 28.6 million.

Now... A simple restructure would dump a bunch of dead money into 2026. Which it seems like they don't want to do.

Nick and Triplet implied that this won't be a simple restructure. Carr has been quoted to the refusal of pay cut.

So, there only other viable option is another void extension and spread that cap hit outside of 2026.

It's a lot of work and it wouldn't stop Carr from demanding a trade at any given point this off-season after getting his lump sum check.

Still think the best option is barter with Carr to get him to take a paycut and cut him immediately while getting cap relief.