Exhaustive review sponsored by the Pentagon finds NO link between Saddam, al Qaida

Not in this case:

The new study of the Iraqi regime's archives found no documents indicating a "direct operational link" between Hussein's Iraq and al Qaida before the invasion, according to a U.S. official familiar with the report.

Back to what Bulldawg said.

In the straightjacketed world of Pentagon terminology you describe, where "operational" implies "division sized units in one country or region" why would the Pentagon spend good money to contract with a think tank to pore over 600,000 documents when they already know that Al Queda has no division sized units to begin with????

What's the point?

How can you find evidence of an "operation" with Al Queda when Al Queda is, by the definition of the word, incapable of mounting an "operation."

Limited to your defintions, the only thing you could find eveidence of is Saddam turning one of his divisions over to Al Queda command.

I would have to believe that the millions in taxpayer money were spent for a better reason. But this being the government I guess I'm asking too much...