College player closest to your heart

Brandon Jacobs. We grew up in the same place. I was a little older than him and a little younger than his older brother so we weren't exactly hanging out together, but it was a very small town. Very, very small. His brother was basically a bully and Brandon (who went by a nickname I won't divulge but totally didn't fit his huge stature) was following in his path, quick tempered, bully who constantly was getting into trouble. But then he found football. I tell people Brandon was probably one of the most physically lifted people to come out of Napoleonville but he wasn't the most athletic. He wasn't even the best football player I grew up with. However, he had to be the most determined. Somewhere along the line it clicked that this could be his life. I remember going back home while in college and seeing him running laps across the town working out. The last conversation I had with him was one of these times. He stopped in front of me on one his jogs and I didn't know who I was encountering, the bully I remember from when I was 13 or the football star. He was surprised to see me home and we caught up for a minute. I don't remember the exact conversation but it ended with him saying something along the line of "I'm going to the next level". In that moment I believed it too. And I said something like, "working like this I'm pretty sure you will".

I watch all of Auburns games because of him, complaining to anyone who'd listen that he was going to be a better pro than both Cadillac Williams and Ronnie whatever his names was. To which, I'd get "you're crazy" responses, he's running 3rd string because he's too damn big to be RB. Than when became a Giant, a found a bar in Georgetown that would play all their games. It got to the point that the bartender expected me. He didn't save me a seat but he'd let me sit at the bar and drink for free (soda) knowing I was only there to Jacobs play.

For me, that's the one. Brandon Jacobs. I got to witness him figure it out and have a pretty successful NFL career.