
I’m replying to this part of the deleted post because it needs to be said from a moderating standpoint although it’s ridiculous to have to repeat this again:

This is a privately-owned football website, with a side order of Everything Else. To ominously suggest that “we’ve lost the plot” because we don’t allow partisan political discussion on a FOOTBALL WEBSITE is ridiculous.

If you feel that strongly, go volunteer to fight in Ukraine, or go actively protest against what’s happening, or write your congressional representatives, or, hell, just go post something on the MAP.

But the rules here are the rules until the private owner of this site changes them, so please don’t try to make this about more than it is. Already the bickering is starting, so it stops here. Take it to the MAP or let it go.

Ok, i can respect you making that call .

And as much as an hate engaging in whataboutism- im looking at every other single post on this page of the thread , pg 2972- and to me each one seems like quality posts, as well as political in nature .. i guess im wondering what made mine seem out of line ? Genuinely asking so i can avoid in the future .