Quinn Ewers had a meeting with the Saints at the Combine

I could write volumes about Quinn, but it comes down to this, even if he's fully healthy.

He's not mobile. He's too slow to process. He's passive. He has arm talent but was poor with accuracy throwing deep balls, which he threw alot. He entered last season as a 1st round talent, and now just about everyone would slot him at 3rd round at the earliest.

Quinn does not have anything close to Rattler's mobility and you gotta have that in the pro game to cope with the blitz packages or OLine breakdowns and/or, to be an intended runner on a play. Quinn is too slow to process all that and will get eaten up by DC's. To me, as a pro player, he seems alot like our boy Derek Carr. (Derek throws good deep balls, but is incapable of going through route progressions. He's even uncomfortable throwing checkdowns.)