
Just a quick editorial note: these last few posts are good examples of what we want to allow on this thread and the Middle East thread.

Keep it about policy; don't bring in the political parties specifically; don't directly insult or ridicule other posters or their posts; don't indirectly insult or ridicule other posters or their posts through sarcasm, cute word play, ganging up or otherwise -- then we can continue these discussions here.

In other words, let's all civilly pretend that we're in classroom of strangers and that the person each of us respect most in this world (or the next) is watching how we treat one another. I particularly welcome Bayouboy's post and his viewpoint alternate to the going theme on this thread. I disagree with it, but I welcome it.

Perhaps we can start our own little revolution here by discoursing and disagreeing with one another as fellow citizens instead of partisan rivals.