Exhaustive review sponsored by the Pentagon finds NO link between Saddam, al Qaida


It's just a little exasperation with the pattern of playing games with semantics.

Words are important indeed. But sometimes he stretches common sense.

The Pentagon has clandestine capabilities using small teams. What term do they use to describe a secret "operation." What's the official word for an operation if less than division is involved.

Here are examples of explicit used of the word "operation" by the Pentagon not involving a division of troops:



No one I know of is aware of any proven link between Saddam and an Al Queda "effort" against the United States. I am sure Saddam would have had his own attempts to get links with Al Queda and Islamists -- to infiltrate them and keep tabs on them.

And here's the Wikipedia entry for "Operational Warfare." :idunno:

Operational warfare
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Operational warfare is, within warfare and military doctrine, the level of command which coordinates the minute details of tactics with the overarching goals of strategy.

The operational level is at a scale bigger than one where line of sight and the time of day are important, and smaller than the strategic level, where production and politics are considerations. Formations are of the operational level if they are able to conduct operations on their own, and are of sufficient size to be directly handled or have a significant impact at the strategic level. This concept was pioneered by the German army prior to and during the Second World War.
