Fans need to have patience with Moore and the Front Office.

That's how the NFL and most sports organizations operate.
I don't think that's accurate. I know that's what most of the sports gossipers and fans think and say, but I don' think most of the teams think that way.

I know the Saints definitely don't operate with a "what have you done lately for me" attitude. They are patient and don't automatically get rid of someone just because they hit a slump if they've done well in the past.

In a lot of movies, the bad guys often kill their best people for making a mistake. In the first Conan movie with Arnold, the bad guy's best guys screw up. The bad guy doesn't kill or punish them and basically says that he's not going to make himself weaker over a mistake.

I subscribe to that point of view.

If that's your view, you're out of touch with reality.
No one is ever out of touch for their philosphical point of view. I don't let others tell me how to think when it comes to things that are completely subjective.

I make up my mind for myself. I'm not going to follow the herd of group think just to fit in when I don't agree with what the group thinks.

Obviously, the FO chooses who they want, and as a fan, I am entitled to critique that decision.
Can you name any players the Saints wanted to get or keep, but they weren't able to get or keep them?

If the Saints are able to get and keep the players they want, then the way they manage the cap is not a problem for them. It may be a problem for the fans, but it's not a problem for the team.

Several? Try two: Gayle and the other guy (I forget his name Lucha?), and Gayle had to step in to get him to fire that terrible coach.
I've heard there was a third person above Loomis, but don't recall his name. Several is more than two but fewer than many. I've heard of at least 3, so I said several.

Did Gayle or anyone else above Loomis fire him? Of course they didn't. So the people above Loomis aren't firing him for his cap management or making him change his cap management, then they are okay with Loomis's cap management.

It's not rocket surgery.

Mick runs the ship with almost complete autonomy for all intense purposes. The two other people only get involved if things go bad.
And those "two people" obviously don't think the Loomis' cap management has gone bad, because they haven't made him stop. Loomis is allowed to manage the cap the way he does, because the people above him don't see it as a problem.