I did do some reading yesterday which prompted my response above. Bernie Sanders was the senator that vehemently opposed adding the Baltic states. There were opposition in Europe to adding these countries according to the articles I read. I will admit that I did not "deep dive" and only read a few articles that came up on a google search.
You can shove your tone and demeanor. You act as if you're some sort of US diplomacy expert. Get the fork out of here.
Whoa...dude. YOU POSTED FAKE INFO. Not partially inaccurate. It's not "I'm not 100% accurate". It was 100% false. So your ending reply is indicative of your defensive stance after being corrected.
As to US re Lithuania/Estonia etc
There was debate waaaay back in late 90s within Congress rgarding their acceptance , but by 2004, it was 96 to 0.
So don't get mad at me when you get your facts completely wrong and subsequently proven to be wrong.
My tone and demeanor is one of fatigue having to listen to constant false fact about this topic from folks who haven't done a lick of research. There are plenty of documentaries available for you to watch.
Where on this board have I "acted like some diplomacy expert"?? Show me.
All I do is post what I have read and researched over the last 3 years. I've long been interested in Europe and Russia since my immediate family is both European and Easten European ( my Grandfather emigrated to US in 1917 from Ukraine, my grandmother from Geeece in 1949 father side). My mother came in 1967 from Switzerland...where her parents were Italian and French )
Sorry you got your feeling hurt.
I'm not looking to post you as some gotcha moment. I'm posting to make sure your disinformation stops right there. And subsequently, hopeful you will pay more attention to the veracity of your comments in the future.
If you want links to some, let me know and I'll gladly post here for you.
Or, don't. Up to you.