
There was some debate and objections in Congress and Senate about potentially expanding NATO, even if warranted as a necessary stop-gap against future Russian bullying and aggression due to the fact that Russia, in the late 90's and even early 2000's under Putin was significantly weaker militarily and economically then what it became or is now. If Russia wasnt a significant threat or stood to become one again from some geopoliitical experts standpoints of 1997-98, why expand NATO just because we're concerned of what Russia might evolve into over the next 10-15 years?

From the context of late 90's and also given added factors that Russia was still severely weak recovering from economic sanctions, a brutal seperatist campaign/civil war going on in Chechnya, then Georgia, plus its leader in the Kremlin was a tired, old and very corrupt former Soviet apparatchik Boris Yeltsin who was soon retire on New Years Eve, 1999. why add on to NATO if its long-feared, Historical oppressor wasnt going to be a potent socio-economic threat for some time to come? By 2004, things were dramatically different but 6-7 years earlier, a very select few in Western intelligence community had that far-sighted expectations or grim assessments.

Remember, this is before Putin and how he viciously and cold-bloodedly changed the nature of the game as the 2000's wore on.
I’m not saying you’re necessarily wrong, but there’s a lot more to it than simply adding on to NATO. These are countries that wanted and asked for protection. None of them were forced to join. And the Soviets/Russia were never our friends at any point, and certainly not after Poots, a former KGB agent and a man who’s vision was and is a return to Soviet dominance in the region. Make no mistake about it, Russia would take all of Ukraine in a heartbeat if they could, and set their sights beyond without question.

The fact that our foreign policy has been turned on its head in a matter of weeks and basically has undone everything we’ve built over the last 70+ years is nothing short of alarming. And the fact that too many of our leaders are allowing this insanity is nothing short of treasonous.