Gonna have to agree to disagree. Year 2 for Prime Time should've yielded better results then losing to KU, KState and Nebraska. Those 3 teams were so bad and to simply put, losing 1 of em it happens, but losing to all 3 should not. Not for a well coached team with a Heisman trophy winner at WR/CB and a supposedly top 10 NFL draft pick at QB. Not to mention, their TE is pretty good too (Miller).
To top that off, Sanders was also a big reason they lost to KU. The stats show something utterly different, that Sanders played great. The truth is in the 2nd half KU threw all their resources to take Hunter and Miller out of the game, and Sanders began to look utterly lost and couldn't get it done offensively at all so KU just walked away. Perhaps you can put that on coaching? I think there's a very valid debate to be had there.