Fans need to have patience with Moore and the Front Office.

I've never wanted or asked for this team to tank, but I have asked for it to re-prioritize things a bit. We need youth and we need depth more than we need mid tier veteran players and older players when the team is already bad. When we're good and have most of the right pieces, I'm ok with selling a bit of the future. But it's stupid to sell the future to stick around the middle. We can just let things ride rather than do that.

I don't disagree and I don't think you do want a tank. And I certainly agree that if/when they spend in free agency, it should be for long term players to build the roster and not short term older players on the decline. That, IMO, is not tanking. Tanking is cutting or trading all your high priced guys and not signing replacements to intentionally have a bad record.