Exhaustive review sponsored by the Pentagon finds NO link between Saddam, al Qaida

There was a long history of ties between the U.S. government, and Timothy McVeigh, via the U.S. military.

We should have attacked ourselves.

Which is where this kind of logic, parsing of words, and the meaning of "connections" vs "operations," ad naseum gets exposed.

Of course the administration didn't put the AQ--Hussein up front and center, but it was definitely part of the repretoire to convince ordinary Americans that the invasion was absolutely necessary.

Again, looking at the big picture like WMDs, it turned out that the administration either A. Manipulated faulty evidence to begin with, or B. Was willing to mislead the American people to make a case to go to war.

If only a tenuous connection between Al-Queda and [insert random nation-state] here, we might as well invaded half the globe, starting with Saudi Arabia and the Sudan...and countless other nations.

The administration communicated a body of information which at worst, maybe construed as lying, at best served to manipulate and mislead the American public to supporting a war based for false reasons.

For the record *one more time* I supported the invasion. Wholeheartedly. Then I realized the sham and smoke and mirrors which it was based on. :shrug: