Anyway, holy sheet, that first action packed scene was awesome...and heartbreaking. Wtf...Foggy? Ugh. Loved the guy. The fight with Dex/Bullseye was awesome. Ben Urich's niece BB looking like she'll be a thorn in Fisk's side could be an interesting thread. Fisk trying to shed the Kingpin title in order to become mayor less to some good dialogue. Some buy it, and others definitely not so much. Others like the staffer praising Fisk just try to get on his radar to impress him.
The dialogue between Fisk and Matt at their first meeting was thoughtfully done. The end of the 2nd episode left me wanting more. Can't wait to see how the rest of the show plays out and I wonder if Karen will come back into the picture. Both Foggy and Karen just making cameos in the first episode will piss me