
A deal for who though? A one sided deal giving Russia all of the concessions and taking their mineral rights away from them is theft, not a deal. And Russia hasnt been a good faith partner in many of the deals they do. So im not optimistic on a legitimate deal taking place. I'd more than welcome a deal if its reasonably fair to Ukraine.

A deal brokered by the US and Russia is a non-starter without Ukraine at the table.

Sure, Ukraine and the West wants that too. Its really up to Russia.

No, it's not. Border integrity goes hand in hand with any peace deal. You can't have one without the other.

Maybe, or Russia can pull back, reload and invade again in 6-12 months. I think any deal that doesn't have security guarantees for Ukraine aren't worth the paper it's written on. Russia has to recognize Ukraine's sovereignty, and if they want to join NATO or the EU, then they should be allowed to do so of their own volition.
Sorry DaveXA I'm not skilled on multi quoting threads.

So many moving parts right now. I'm optimistic that a lasting peace can be brokered. One that is fair and agreeable to both parties. I'd hope that we'd see a cease-fire soon. Make small steps to stop the killing then move onto the hard decisions. Obviously, there is a lot of posturing right now. Once all that nonsense has concluded I hope they can sit in a room and finally start listening to each other.

Border integrity is important, but I think the Europeans are already floating ideas for a sustainable security. Coalition of the willing is what I've heard it called, maybe Turkey or perhaps the UN can send in the Blue Hats? I'm confident that whatever is decided will be in the best interest for peace.