In offensive actions, a military needs a 3 to 1 advantage. Russia does not have a 3 to 1 advantage. They have lost close to 1,000,000 men to date, over 15,000 mechanized pieces (tanks, ifv, artillery systems) they are using mules to ferry ammo along areas of the front. Civilian vehicles to transport troops.
Ukraine will produce 2.5mm drones in 2025.
3 years have passed since "Kyiv in 3 days".
If Russia was going to win, they would have done so by now. They can't win and short of lobbing nuclear bombs, they are a hollow shell. They attract soldiers with promises of $$$. Have you seen some of the POWs? In their 50s or 60s. And finding out commanders simply steal their pay.
Ukraine is fighting for its very existence. Russians are fighting for money or bs lies (and they know its a lie). You can't win when you field a mercenary military.
Ukraine isn't simply going to roll over for Russia and it won't for Trump.
Keep FA and they will FO.
Today Ukraine signed an expansion agriculture trade agreement with China.
EU is positioning themselves as well.
We keep pressing Ukraine to make all the concessions and none of Russia? We are aligning ourselves and could very well be on the outside looking in when this is over.