Here's a wildy speculative OP about Condi for VP...

Taking Condi as VP seems like McCain's best option for taking voters from Clinton and Obama.

OK, here's a beef I have with some of your posts, and a handful of other posters on this board lately.

Let me preface this by saying I'm genuinely asking this, and I'm not trying to call you out or anything. I might be completely off base in this instance--in fact I think it's likely that I am.

Do you really believe what you posted above? I'd be happy to discuss why I don't agree with you, and I think counterpoints have already been made on this thread. But I just find it hard to believe you agree with that sentiment, and as such, it really calls into question (in my mind) the intent of your post.

If I was a Democrat, I'd be jumping for joy of McCain named Condi as his running mate. It's not the worst choice, but it immediately allies him with some of the most tainted members of the Bush administration. I think it would be a disastrous move for him.

Do you really believe that would be a good choice for McCain?