How are you feeling about the Carr Restructure

Just like DA, I don't watch DC press conferences either. Can't stand either one of them. Now DC gets to ruin another season for me. I just hope Rattler or a draft pick takes his job and ends the whole era
I'm hoping this also. Put DC4 on the bench as a backup QB (an expensive backup, but clipboard boy nonetheless). I'd probably feel different as a player, but as a fan, the message he sent me is that HIS salary supercedes the drive for a championship. This may explain why he has NEVER won a playoff game, let alone a championship. Fair or not, that's how I see it, and I'm entitled to that perception. I was a fan long before he got here, and I'll be a fan long after he's gone.

I was on the fence with Carr....he ain't the problem, but he ain't the solution either. The way this went down gave me a bad taste. He could've bought a LOT of goodwill by taking a "token" pay reduction in the attempt to make the team around him better. Would've been great PR....sending the message he was here to do whatever it takes to make the team better and win a 'ship. Instead, the message he sent was "I got mine....GIMME!"

I'm a firm believer that if you chase championships, money follows; if you chase money, you will NEVER win a championship. I was lukewarm on DC4....didn't like him, but didn't dislike him either....I was waiting for something to sway me. I have been swayed.... I'll suck it up for as long as CKM says I need to, but I'm looking squarely at the coaching staff and saying "get to work making that happen!"