It is such a weird tone shift from media day with being noncommittal. It didn't help that Loomis broke the news about sticking with Carr, either. Should of been Moore.
I will not buy the Loomis conspiracy of Carr being forced onto Moore. The only thing that I'll entertain is that Loomis took some time convincing Moore to keep Carr for a year. So, regardless... This is Moore's decision to sort of spend a year with a QB that doesn't make sense long term.
The last thing we want to do is actually build a contender around a 35 or 36 year old QB that will decline at a moment notice or fall apart from fatigue in the final hour on a playoff run. The window to succeed with Carr has passed.
So, it's just weird. Being two years away from a younger QB vs. being 1 year away is certainly a decision.
It does seem like if Gayle didn't step in with DA firing. I would imagine that he probably would of gotten one more year.