How are you feeling about the Carr Restructure

Because we will be better able to take the dead cap hit next year and by them we will have more cap space because Ram, MT, Winston, Demario, Cam, and Tyrann will mostly off the books.

It's not how I would have done it and it slows down the cap reset a bit in order to remain competitive this year, but it's not the worst thing in the world and at least they are working toward getting it reset in the next year or two. I'll feel different if Loomis goes YOLO in free agency this year and restructures a bunch of old guys to create cap space, but I don't think he's going to do that. I think this free agency period will be much like last year with maybe one or two more mid-level guys signed.
Also the cap will increase, just this yr it went up over 20 mil . All of these things make it much more feasible to restructure DC this yr and make a decision on him next yr.