If you're a past or current major entertainment or sports HOF celebrity like Randy Moss, if you have a pretty serious, existential illness or disease you're dealing with, save for a select, loyal cadre of family and friends I can trust keeping this major issue amongst ourselves and maintaining one's privacy and dignity at the same time is a extremely elusive balancing act to maintain. Look at Chadwick Boseman, even though by the time of his death, he'd been fighting and even receiving radiation/chemotherapy treatments on the sets of his films like Marshall, especially first Black Panther film, most of his fellow Hollywood co-stars, co-workers and people who labeled themselves his closest friends were shocked that he was that sick and had been slowly dying for nearly 3-4 years up until his death. For a rock star or famous actor keeping and maintaining some semblance of privacy over the long haul is likely one of the hardest, yet most enduring achievements you'll ever get.
That is, unless some of these same people Hollywood including some major stars, did know or suspected he wasnt even close to being 100% healthy but kept their mouths shut to the MSM outlets about revealing too much when asked by reporters acting on rumors they've heard he was "very sick". In the late 80's, Freddie Mercury essentially admitted he had AIDS to.his fellow Queen bandmates after a physically demanding and grinding recording session and he told them not to tell anyone (family members, friends, paparazzi media types, or other rock stars) that he was very sick and would likely be dead within maybe 2-3 years. This incident supposedly occurred in late 1989 and Mercury wouldn't die or admit he had AIDS for another two full years.
We didnt find out until many years after his death that Liberace had died from AIDS-related complications.