Underhill: Kellen Moore said he took this job with the idea that Derek Carr would be his QB

Can't roll my eyes at this hard enough. The FO is equally to blame as any coach for draft talent evaluation.
You are focused on assigning blame for the past. I am not.

My statement was made with an eye toward the future and the understanding that the new coaching staff will in fact change how the front office evaluates players. I don't care who is to "blame" for the past, because the past doesn't exist anymore other than in our minds.

I don't know if the new coaching staff will change drafting for the better, the same, or the worse, but it's a fact that the player evaluations will change because of the new coaching staff and that will change their drafting.

Loomis is a master at getting this fanbase to shed him of any blame.
My opinions come from me, not Loomis. I'm not thinking or talking about "blame" at all, so I'm in no way "shedding" anyone of blame. The blame game is a very negative, useless and counterproductive waste of time as far as I'm concerned.