Pat Kirwan said he heard Carr didn’t want to do Saints contract restructure

It can be and most of the time is 1 source and multiple people quote the original source They ALL need / want clicks , likes and subscriptions , it how they get paid. The only pods that NOF does not put up on youtube are the Nickcasts and the non video ones thet Tripp does the one where he said that was on Youtube. . My point was DC DID want to be here, if he still wants to be I don't know , I surely wouldn't with the way he's been treated not withstanding any contract issues

By that standard nobody can ever believe anything that is ever reported.

And all I'm saying is that it appears Carr no longer wants to be here and it makes a lot of sense considering how he is treated by much the fanbase. It doesn't mean he won't change his mind but that appears to be the situation right now.