Pat Kirwan said he heard Carr didn’t want to do Saints contract restructure

LOL you posted a clip from a much longer show by the BIGGEST blow hard Carr and Loomis hater that panders to all the DC and ML haters because it get's him clicks . likes and subscriptions ???
How about you watch some of James Skrmetta's response to that big blowhard hack
I posted it as I said because I’d run across it. It came up on my feed, just like that. I didn’t go looking for it.

Wouldn’t apologize tho if I had gone looking for it or watched the whole show as that’s my right to if I wanted to. His (Matt) style is a little too over the top for me most of the time, so I listen more to Ross Mike and Trip. Never heard of Skrmetta, I’ll check him out.

They’re all in it for clicks, it’s all a business. The sunshine pumpers appeal to some, the negative Nelly’s appeal to others, etc
Some we like more than others, simple as that. To me at least. 😊