Starship Troopers Reboot

In this case while the movie was fun, and a poor attempt at satire, was nothing like the book and had no intention of being like the book so it's possible this will be a better movie, and more accurate adaptation, while also not being close to as much fun to watch.
Paul Verhoeven was as terrible at creating militaristic-authoritarian satire as he was writing, developing and directing great action films with better, clearer sociopolitical themes like militarized police, the MIC (military-industrial complex) or Western imperialism on colonizing Mars in Total Recall.

I don't think Heinlein intended Starship Troopers to be a fun, enjoyable book that could easily be translated or mischaracterized or being run into the ground by genuinely making it seem like the alien bugs were indeed the villains and conceivably might've sent an asteroid that destroyed Buenos Aires and at no point did Verhoeven try to make viewers think or sympathize with the alien bugs plight, like they were really victims.

Verhoeven didn't do a great job at remaking or re-interpreting Helnlein's classic sci-fi novel into what he wanted to express.