Underhill article: “Saints moves are telling us what they felt the real problem with the team was last season”

People aren't changing their minds one way or the other on their belief of this teams future.

There's 2 camps: The camp that thinks that the "Saints/Loomis are delusional, this team sucks, and every move we make is the dumbest move ever" crowd,

Then there is the camp of the optimists/sunshine pumpers that make threads trying to convince the doubters we are really, actually, a pretty good team. (Btw, Not saying anything is wrong with that at all, just saying don't expect to change anyone's mind)

For the most part, minds are already made up, and firmly entrenched. Nothing will change til the results on the field do.
I'll be the 1st to admit I am an optimist when it comes to the Saints , but in no way shape or form do I agree with everything they do. Even this yr I wanted to cut Shepard and Saunders and sign better DTs. I did not want to restructure DD and Mathieu so it may make us keep them longer.

What baffles me is I'm open to debate my optimism , the doom and gloom squad is not, even when facts or reports that the coaching staff think differently
I will say that i do not even come close to the level of knowledge that the coaching staff have , but if you listen to the doom and gloomers the FO, the coaching staff are all idiots and they are right