Underhill article: “Saints moves are telling us what they felt the real problem with the team was last season”

With no sarcasm, it was all of the above. The coaching has been changed and hopefully improved. The new coaching influences and is responsible for the injuries and depth. Hopefully, the new coaches will improve those two things as well. Moore is of course going to think the coaching is improved and he seems to think he can improve on the injuries and depth.
In football it's usually is a combination of things. But when it comes to selling tickets, it becomes selective. The Saints have become ticket sellers first and foremost. The strategy of rebuilding the team is dictated by it. It just reeks of a money man (Lauscha) calling the shots. Maybe, just mabye, Mickey's kick the can program was only supposed to be during Drew's window but the bean counters aren't giving him a choice now. I can't see any other reason why Loomis would have continued kicking the can. Sean's last season should have been year 1 of a proper rebuild. As for the excuse that Sean called the shots, Mickey should have stepped in. At some point, if the program isn't working or appears headed for a crash the GM needs to step in. I think it was obvious the Saints were in decline prior to Sean's last season. All of that said, I'm starting to think that it was always driven by revenue, which means they had to sell hope. I can't help but feel this way. I worked for 2 professional franchises that were 100% driven by sales 1st, performance and sport was a far 2nd.