Everything that comes out of a coach’s mouth is coach speak. A lot of it has truth and some of it is pandering to media. Next man up is not pandering. If you don’t believe in your players, if your teammates don’t believe in you, and if you don’t believe in yourself, then the game is not worth being played. There wouldn’t be any training camp battles for a spot. There wouldn’t be a reason to coach every player. There wouldn’t be any reason to call substitutions. Do you not remember when SP would call substitutions on darn near every snap? He believed that all of his guys would perform when their numbers were called. Are you serious right now? Tell me you have played a sport and had to depend on someone that wasn’t a starter?!?! The heck do you think we call that? Let me guess what Kirwin or Miller calls it….. “Scrub Sub”?!?! The absolute first goal is to instantly get that player mentally right and build that confidence. Football is a sport where everyone’s job is directly correlated to the person next to you. That’s why it’s the ultimate team sport. Hence, next man up.