Starship Troopers Reboot

It's a fun movie if I basically turn off my brain. Not saying that to be critical....there are plenty of non-comedic movies (or intended to be non-comedic) that are fun if you don't apply any common sense or critical thought.
It just gets more difficult when the movie depicts large scale military action and it is presented with such a shocking lack of consideration for anything resembling strategy or tactics.

I don't disagree. It's a great movie to watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon when you don't want to think about things and all you want to do is watch giant bugs get blown apart and over the top bad acting. It's like a MST3K movie except it's entertaining enough that you don't need the robots making the jokes for you.

And, I honestly know little about military tactics, at least modern military tactics, so maybe it's just easier to enjoy the movie for what it is. But, let me get this straight, going off with a small group of soldiers to hunt down a giant bug that has your girlfriend and then using a hand held nuke to kill it while you are only 30 or so feet away is not only not a great idea, but is also unrealistic?

And look, I love to watch a deeply meaningful French film about the existential angst of man as much, maybe more, than the next guy, but sometimes I just want something fun and stupid and Starship Troopers hits that spot. The absurdity of all is just fun in ways that Verhoeven never intended which makes it even more funny.

I mean, the book is a serious piece of hard Sci Fi. Been a long time since I read it, but I think it even goes into some of the military tactics that you talk about. So, I think a serious movie can be made out of the book. And it could even be a great movie with an important message that should provoke a lot of thought about our relationship to the government. But, it won't be as fun to watch as the Verhoeven movie.