TIL: Today I Learned...

TIL that I am a freakin genius. Hear me out.
I’ve single-handedly discovered the real root of all evil, and it’s not the love of money.
Hypothesis: The reason that the world is in such poor shape is that we, as a society, don’t fart enough in public. I understand that this is quite a controversial statement, but I defy anyone to prove me wrong. For what is flatulence but vaporized anger? It’s a terrible emotion that eats away at us if we don’t let it out. And because of rules and social norms, we hold in all that anger until we’re alone. Afraid to let ‘er rip in front of your significant other, or your boss, or your employees, or your in-laws, or teacher, etc. for fear of rejection and other negative emotions. Well I say, enough! Why do you think when some brave soul is fearless enough to let it fly in front of us, we’ll often erupt in laughter? Think about when we were kids and it was funny as hell and we’d fart any and everywhere and teared up from so much laughter. You know why? Because it pushes all that anger out of you, and it tells your brethren, “here, I like you enough to share what’s inside of me with you.” It builds trust and it’s freeing.
Just think of the impact we could make on this world if we all just openly and honestly bust our arses in front of each other without shame or retribution. Let there be peace on earth. Thank you.