Do you think [46 y/o] Drew Brees can still be a starting QB?

Drew was as competitive as any player I've ever seen. He pushed himself to that point. He probably should have retired after 2019.
Yep, he hung on a tad too long and the most jacked up thing is Covid happens and the fans didn’t ever get a chance to give him a proper send off. My last time seeing Drew play in a real game with fans was him tossing a pick vs. Minny in a playoff game to end that season.

I don’t count the one “game” I got to go to in 2020 vs. the 49ers. They let under 10,000 fans in that day 6,000 I think it was in total and I think some workers counted in that number too so no clue how many were really there. It also seemed like of that number 500 or so were 49ers fans. It was like watching a game in a church service. We saw Drew get absolutely creamed but he kept playing and when they came out for the second half Winston was in.

If I had to pick a moment with Brees I go back to the Dallas game in 2018. He was lighting the world up we were rolling the entire NFL and in that game he took an ugly, nasty sack. It killed our win streak and if I am honest looking back Drew was never really the same guy after that hit. I think that game was the point at which the playbook started shrinking for him. Sure he had some great great plays here and there and some amazing games but that’s when we started seeing things change and throws started coming of the table. I think that is why after 2019 we had interest in Brady he could still make all the Throws and Drew couldn’t. I always wonder what would have happened if Drew bowed out at the end of 2019 what would have the Saints done with Tom Brady in the black and gold?